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What is the ISO 9001:2015 Standard

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) is internationally recognised as the world’s leading quality management standard and has been implemented by over one million organisations in over 170 countries globally.

The ISO 9001 (2015) standard offers a quality management system (QMS) model for obtaining and meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction in product, service and delivery. The standard is general and appropriate for, and through, all types of organisations – sites, plants, departments etc.  Consequently, businesses from both the public and private sectors, including non-governmental organisations can benefit from the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system model; regardless of size (SME – small, medium or enterprise companies). Instant benefits can be realised from the implementation of ISO 9001 (2015) by the alignment of the activities of internal processes that are focused towards the improvement of customer satisfaction which, in turn, will result in many other reimbursements, whether internal or external.

ISO 9001:2015 – Principles

Customer Focus – is the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and facilitate opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;

The primary focus of quality management is to meet customer requirements  and to strive to exceed customer expectations.

Leadership: – Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the management system by – for example – supporting other relevant management roles and with respect to customer focus. Leadership must be demonstrated, Leaders at all levels establish unity of purpose and direction and create conditions in which people are engaged in achieving the quality objectives of the organization

Involvement of People:-  A quality management system depends on the involvement of competent people and the way that they are introduced and integrated into the organization. The determination, development and evaluation of  the knowledge, skills, behaviour and work environment required is critical.

Process Approach: The Standard employs the process approach – which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle – and risk-based thinking. This encourages an organization to plan its processes and their interactions and to ensure that its processes are adequately resourced and managed, and that opportunities for improvement are determined and acted upon. Risk-based thinking enables an organization to determine the factors that could cause its processes and its quality management system to deviate from the planned results, to put in place preventive controls to minimize negative effects and to make maximum use of opportunities for improvement as they arise.

Continual Improvement: – The organization shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement any necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction including improving the performance and effectiveness of the management system and correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects. These will lead to improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and expectations;

Evidence Based Decision Making: – Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce required positive results.

Relationship Management: – For sustained success, organizations must manage their relationships with interested parties, internally and externally – such as employee, suppliers and customers

ISO 9001:2015 – Benefits

Benefits from ISO 9001(2015) are both internal and external

Provides senior management with an efficient management process

Sets out areas of responsibility across the organisation and improved attitude and culture of excellence

Communicates a positive message to staff and customers

Identifies and encourages more efficient and time saving processes

Highlights deficiencies and Reduces your costs through Fewer returned products or instances of service complaints

Provides continuous assessment and improvement

Provides marketing opportunities

Independent audit demonstrates commitment to management

What is ISO 14001:2015 Standard?

ISO 14001:2015 standard offers an environmental management system (EMS) to develop a systematic approach to the environmental concerns of the organization. Which will involve the  setting up of an environmental policy, addressing the environmental concerns (Aspects and Impacts) and defining what will be done to control them (Objectives and Targets). The ISO 14001 (2015) establishes organizational structure, personnel responsibilities, competency and training, control and procedural documents, operational controls and emergency preparedness to accomplish Objectives and Targets.

ISO 14001:2015 – Principles

ISO 14001:2015 standard is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology and has been developed based on a concept of continual improvement using the following five phases.

Establishing environmental objectives and targets through reviewing products and processes in order  to determine how these elements will bring an impact to the environment and incorporating into the processes and procedures of their policy.

Implementing a planning process to identify the resources and people required for this implementation, preparing proper documentation and communication –  needed to ensure organisation success whilst educating employees to ensure that the standard is implemented using the correct methodology.

Monitoring the organisation to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system to ensure that environmental objectives are met according to legal requirements.

Reviewing corrective action to ensure that their objectives are met and improvements on the system can then be made for subsequent planning.

Reviewing and developing to deal with environmental issues faced in their business allowing for structural and organisational changes to be reflected in the EMS framework.

ISO 14001:2015 Perceived Benefits

Demonstrate environmental pledge to stakeholders

Improve profitability through controlling of raw material usage, energy consumption and disposal cost reduction etc

Improve process efficiency, business performance and enhance business competence

Exhibit a level of assurance to achieving legal and regulatory guidelines

Increase access to new customers and business partners

Help to better manage your environmental risks, now and in the future

Potentially reduce public liability insurance costs

What is ISO 22301: 2019

ISO 22301 (2012) is an international framework that has been developed to guide businesses in identifying potential threats to a company’s critical business functions for setting up and managing an effective Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). The standard looks to build effective backup systems and processes to safeguard the interests of stakeholders and specifies the requirements to plan, implement, monitor, review and improve a company’s business continuity management system, thereby minimising the impact of disruptions

ISO 22301: 2019 – Principles

Identify and manage current and future threats to your business

Take a proactive approach to minimizing the impact of incidents

Keep critical functions up and running during times of crises

Minimize downtime during incidents and improve recovery time

Demonstrate resilience to customers, suppliers and for tender requests

When implemented properly, business continuity management will decrease the possibility of a disruptive incident, and if such incident does occur, an organization will be ready to respond in an appropriate way, thus drastically decreasing the potential damage of such incident.

ISO 22301: 2019 – Benefits:

Improvement of business reputation leading to higher customer retention through increased performance record

Enhanced business decision making ability as the company will have a better understanding of threats to operations

Reduced risk of interruption to internal operations as a result of continuity incidents

Helps safeguard the future of the business

Increased ability to deliver service to customers in adverse conditions

Reduction in the amount of potential ‘down time’, will have a knock on effect to customers – i.e. reducing their risk

Issues are identified and preventative actions are put in place to avoid disruptionsto customers

Increased staff competency through enhanced process and procedure

Improves job satisfaction as employees are clear about what to do in cases of adverse conditions

Boost morale and motivation through improved training capabilities

What is ISO 26000: 2010

For some years there has been a growing global awareness and recognition of the need for, and benefits of, socially responsible behaviour which contributes to sustainable development. The way a performs in relation to the society in which it operates and its impact on the environment has become a critical part of measuring a company’s overall performance and its ability to continue operating effectively. ISO 26000:2010  is NOT a management standard for certification purposes BUT a guidance for all types of companies, regardless of their size or location, on the concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility – often expanded to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In following the guidance a company MUST take into consideration societal, environmental, legal, cultural, political and organizational diversity and value it. The guidance is intended to assist companies in contributing to sustainable development and to encourage them to go beyond the fundamental duty of legal compliance in social matters but to complement, even initiate, social responsibility programmes.

ISO 26000: 2010 – Core and Principles

The principles of corporate social responsibility guidance include:

  • background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility
  • principles and practices relating to social responsibility
  • core subjects and issues of social responsibility
  • Organizational Governance
  • Human Rights
  • Labour Practices
  • The Environment
  • Fair Operating Practices
  • Consumer Issues
  • Community Involvement and Development.
  • implementing and promoting socially responsible behaviour throughout the company and, through its sphere of influence
  • identifying and engaging with stakeholders
  • communicating commitments, performance and other information


ISO 26000:2010 – Benefits

Corporate Social responsibility can provide numerous benefits when integrated into the management systems of a company such as:

competitive advantage through more informed decision making based on expectations of society, clients, staff and improved access to preferred partner status

improving and maintaining reputation through better relationship with other companies, communities, governments, media, suppliers, peers etc etc in was that removes conflict and opposition

Attracting and retaining staff, customers, clients or users by enhancing participation and involvement which, in turn, should lead to development and maintenance of employees’ morale, commitment, loyalty and productivity;

Enhancing the reputational perspective of investors, owners, donors, sponsors and the financial community; and its relationship with companies, governments, the media, suppliers, peers, customers and the community in which it operates.

Improving the organization’s holistic risk management practices that will also reduce consumption, waste and, where applicable, the recovery of valuable by-products;

improving the safety and health of both female and male workers;

What is ISO 27001:2013 standard?

ISO 27001:2013 standard provides a framework for implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS), safeguarding information assets while making the process easier to manage, measure, and improve. The standard encourages addressing three key aspects of information security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. ISO 27001:2013 also specifies requirements for implementing  security controls customised to the needs of individual organisations by establishing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an ISMS. The design and implementation of an ISMS must be influenced by the needs and objectives, security requirements, the processes employed and the size and structure of the organisation.

ISO 27001:2013 – Principles

Ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements

Independently verify that your organisational risks are properly identified, assessed and managed, while formalising information security processes, procedures and documentation

Continually monitor your organisation’s performance

Demonstrate your commitment to implement high level of security and adherence to information security towards company’s stakeholders

ISO  27001:2013– Perceived Benefits.

Regulatory Compliance. ISO 27001:2013 implementation helps to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations which reduces the likelihood of fines and other penalties due to non-compliance or the occurrence of a data breach.

Data Breaches. An ISO 27001:2013 audit helps limit the possibility of a breach by identifying the areas of most vulnerability and also provides a sound information management security risk framework.

Give Risk Management Confidence. 27001:2013 provides an effective framework for identifying risks and threats, as well as establishing the appropriate internal controls for minimising or even eliminating them giving greater assurance that everything possible is being done to safeguard vital information.

Controlled Access to Information. 27001:2013 provides a framework for ensuring that all authorized users can get the information they need when they need it, while also preventing unauthorized users from accessing private or confidential data.

Meeting High Customer Expectations. 27001:2013 acts as a blueprint for establishing customer-friendly policies and procedures that reduce risk of a breach, helping to put any customers’ minds at ease.

Creating a Security Mindset. The action of ISO 27001:2013 implementation sends a clear message throughout the organization that security is a top priority and by increasing awareness establishing a security mindset that will spread to every level of the company further reducing the likelihood of staff-related security breaches.

What is ISO 45001: 2018 standard

The world’s first occupational health and safety international standard is currently being developed. It will help your organization provide a safe and healthy workplace for your workers and other people, prevent deaths, work-related injury and ill-health as well as continually improve OH&S performance

The proposed ISO 45001 Standard is potentially one of the most significant occupational safety and health voluntary national consensus to ever be promulgated. As an OSH Professional you work with safety management systems standard on an almost daily basis. This standard has the potential to move safety and health management forward on both a global level and in a country-by-country basis. As a professional it is imperative that you understand this standard, implementation, and implication for your company, colleagues, and clients. You will be in the position to advise and guide significant safety and health decisions in the near future.

ISO 45001: 2018 – Principles

ISO 9001 (2015) follows a strategic approach that is applied to all Management System Standards Quality Management System which is placed at the very core of business governance, can be easily integrated with other management systems  and has key objectives of.

Enhancing an organization’s ability to satisfy its customers

Top Management taking accountability for the Management Systems’ effectiveness rather than just being responsible

Moving from just being ‘committed’  to demonstrating ‘Leadership’

Proactively identifying and managing risk

Providing due consideration to the needs and expectations of all relevant interested parties

Creating a knowledge-database to ensure the effective internal exchange of company-owned knowledge.

ISO 45001: 2018 –  Perceived Benefits

ISO 45001 brings occupational health and safety management and continual improvement into the heart of an organization. This new standard is an opportunity for organizations to align their strategic direction with their OH&S management system. In addition, there is::

An Increased focus on improving occupational health and safety performance

A Reduced work related injuries, ill health and death

Eliminated or minimize OH&S risks

Improved OH&S performance and effectiveness

Demonstrated corporate responsibility and meet supply chain requirements

Protected brand reputation

Motivated and engage staff through consultation and participation

What is STOW – TT 2015

STOW-TT stands for Safe to Work in Trinidad & Tobago. STOW-TT certification means that contractors have implemented safety systems that make it safe for them to work in any of the STOW Charter energy companies in Trinidad & Tobago.

STOW-TT:2015 – Principles

The purpose of the STOW-TT Minimum HSE Requirements is to communicate to all potential service providers, the minimum HSE requirements that must be met to be considered eligible to bid for work in the energy sector. The principles of the STOW-TT Certification, is broken into 11 elements to cover

HSE Management, Leadership and Accountability

Legal Requirements and Document Control

Risk and Change Management

Planning, Goals and Targets

HSE Competency


Health and Hygiene

Environment Management

Incident Reporting and Investigation

Crisis and Emergency Management

Monitoring, Audit and Review

STOW-TT – Benefits

STOW-TT is a uniform HSE management standard across the energy sector and  helps to heighten safety and environmental awareness among small, medium and large contracting companies. By implementing a uniform standard, STOW-TT is a means by which all employees, regardless of the size and type of company with which they are employed, will be afforded a level of protection at work in terms of exposure to hazards and risks STOW-TT will benefit in the following ways:

Reduced incidents and accidents

Reduced costs associated with incidents and accidents

Your company will have the opportunity to bid for jobs in the energy companies

Reduced costs associated with the bidding process since the presentation of the STOW-TT certificate is all that is required to fulfil the safety requirements of bids

The company will also be in conformance to the Trinidad & Tobago Occupational Safety and Health Act.