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IMS – What is it… Part Two

Since my last blog I’ve had several links and contacts…. Interestingly ALL supportive .. so let me take it a stage further. I think the easiest way is to take clause #s from ISO/IEC 2012, ISO 39001 and PAS 99…. Now whilst supportive of the concept I was NOT supportive of the previous version. Then they didn’t allow me to make comment on the 2012 version so I was even less enamoured so I am not biased…. However

To carry on this journey let me use the content of that which exists to build onto my earlier suggestion of a “better” – more logical – way.

The content is based on the cycle above and uses the information from the ISO standards mentioned. Where I am suggesting “tweaks” they’re red

Leadership – WHO – The Foundation

I repeat that ensuring Leadership is in place has to be the first step in the development and functioning of any management system and whilst there are challenges on “measurement” This “foundation” is essential to be able to Plan, Do, Check, Act

5.1        Leadership and Commitment

5.2        Policy

5.3        Organization, Roles and Responsibilities

Context Of Organization – WHY – Foundation

Identifying why the organization exists – are for what purposes has this company been formed and sustained and where does it want to be in the years ahead.

4.1        Understanding the Organization and It’s Context

4.2        Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

4.3        Determining the Scope of the Management System

4.4        Management System

6.2        Management Objectives and Targets

Planning – WHAT – Planning

This is where the rubber starts hitting the road and where I turn the Objectives into processes to achieve them – ie HOW is the company going to achieve.

6.1        Actions to Address Risk and Opportunities

6.2        Planning to meet MS Objectives

7.5        Documenting Information

7.5.1     Creating and Updating

7.5.2     Control of Document Information

X.X       Business Continuity – inc Emergency Planning

Y.Y       Legislative Compliance

Support – WHAT – Planning

The processes will need direct ownership but there are many support processes as well as resources essential to ensure that the planning can achieve the objectives and targets.

7.1        Resources

7.2        Competence

7.3        Awareness

7.4        Communication

Operations – HOW – Do

Operations are the action element of the management system but in a way that ensures that the processes created are controlled and work.

8.1        Operational Planning

Performance Measurement – HOW – Checking

This is all about – actively and re-actively – finding out if operations and controls are working and that processes are achieving Objectives and Targets

9.1        Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation.

9.2        Internal Audit

10.2      Active and Re-Active – Non-Conformity

Improvement – WHAT – Acting

This is about taking what has been identified  is converted to corrective and preventive actions to ensure we have a healthy continual improvement process that not only ensures existing objectives and targets are met BUT to identify ways that same can be achieved but in ways that minimize waste or environmental impact etc.

10.1      Continual Improvement.

10.2      Non-Conformity – Corrective and Preventive Actions

Review – HOW – Review

There needs to be a distinct stage where all that has gone before is reviewed from a systematic perspective– operations, performance, improvement – to ensure that Objectives and Targets for subsequent years are SMART.

9.3        Management Review.